Goals, Vision, Results, & Outcomes

Hey-I hope that all of you took time to set your 2019 goals, vision, results, outcomes…etc. Now, I do realize that there is this little thing called LIFE that gets in the way of your best intentions. However, did you know that 95% of the people who set New Year’s resolutions never follow through? The main reason is that most people don’t understand the process of how to produce lasting results—so they never take the first steps. So lets avoid all that drama and I will walk you through how to get started and create the momentum that will drive you to follow through. In the process you will gain clarity about where you’ve been, where you are now, and where you want to go.
This process will also help you create a simple plan to set up your new year so that it truly compels, excites, and drives you. If you did this exercise last year, this is also a perfect opportunity to revisit what you wrote, celebrate your wins and accomplishments or help you identify where you lost momentum.
Lets start with the ten important questions to ask yourself:
1. What have been some of my biggest accomplishments this year?
2. Does the relationship with my partner have the passion and joy I desire?
3. Have I met my fitness goals or done little to nothing fitness wise?
4. Am I eating healthier? (Think about what you have eaten in the last 48 hours - does that represent the past year?)
5. Have I given back to my community in any way?
6. Am I making more money or making less money?
7. Have I paid down some debt or gone deeper into debt?
8. Have I achieved my most important goals and objectives?
9. Have I improved my overall life quality for myself and my loved ones?
10. When I look at myself in the mirror and I think about all I have done this year, can I say to the image in the mirror...“Yes” or “No”?
Your mindset will determine your next steps and an empowering state helps along the way. The past does not equal the future and you must be determined to adjust your thought process in this way.
Have a Joyous Holiday and Happy New Year!