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Own The Day In 3 Easy Steps

Do you ever feel like you’re on a hamster wheel some days? You start off with the best of intentions to be productive and achieve the most out of your day and then before you know it you’re doing something mindless wondering where the day went.

Well we’ve all been there before and let me tell you there are a few ways to get back on track:

  1. Plan the day or the week beforehand! This is a personal preference if you want to plan daily or weekly but the important thing is do not wait until the day starts to actually plan what you have to do.

  2. Get everything out of your head. Put things on paper or use the computer, etc. whatever format you choose does not matter the key to this – do not leave things marinating in your head – this will create overwhelm and will have you going down the rabbit hole.

  3. Identify what the 3 priorities are for your day. What are the key actions that you will focus on that will move the needle the most? This is what you want to spend your time on. Ask who can help you with these tasks– remember the objective is not to do everything yourself!

  4. Here’s a bonus tip – think about potential obstacles/distractions that may come up that can potentially get you off course and have a plan for those things.

Work on implementing these simple tips to create new habits – yes it may take time but it’s the small things repeated each day that leads to success over time.


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